Get FREE Phishing Simulation & Training + Threat Management Dashboards (not a trial, no tricks, actually free).

We view cybersecurity as a basic need for everyone. So, we created a FREE offering to help organizations secure their email and resolve email-based attacks.

IRONSCALES Starter™ Includes:

  • 1Phishing Simulation & Employee Training
  • 2Email Client Phishing Report Button
  • 3Reporting Dashboards and Analytics
  • 4Easily Resolve Reported Emails
  • 5Mobile App for Security Admins
  • 62-Click Integration with Office 365

Get Started Today

Starter™ integrates with Microsoft Office 365 in just 2 Clicks

Office 365 1027x184

Our email security service is designed to come to you and to scale at the pace of your business. Using our native API integrations, you can deploy IRONSCALES in just minutes with no configuration changes, risk or downtime to your operations.

Phishing Simulation & Training

Phishing remains by far the greatest cyber-security threat for any company costing organizations millions. Cyber-criminals expertly play their marks and into the situation with socially engineered attacks to infiltrate companies.

To provide employees with the tools to detect malicious emails and protect sensitive data, frequent training and awareness testing is an absolute must. Conventional phishing simulations rely on fictional or outdated scenarios.

The IRONSCALES™ platform simulations use real-time data from a global community of security analysts. Your team will prepare for relevant attacks such as credential theft, invoice fraud, vendor account compromise, and ransomware.



Starter™ is limited to 12 training campaigns per year, with basic training content.


Phishing Report Button

Equip your team with a Report Phishing Button directly in their Outlook email client.
The integrated phishing report button functions as a constant reminder of the threat of phishing and allows employees to report suspicious emails to the security team for review with one simple click.
All user reported emails are automatically scanned and sent to a centralized IRONSCALES portal to provide security teams a fast and easy way to review and remediate risky or malicious emails.


Reporting Dashboards and Analytics

Quickly uncover emails that have been reported by employees, and decide whether to remediate.
View detailed executive reports that you can share with your leadership team to show the effectiveness and value of your IRONSCALES Starter solution. 
dashboards and analytics

Phishing Dashboard and Monitoring

Quickly review and respond to all user reported emails in a centralized view 

  • Review Sender and IP Reputation Scores 
  • Inspect the email headers and body 
  • Evaluate URL and Attachments Scan Results 
  • 1-Click Remediation to Mark as Phishing, Safe, or Spam 
Starter Dashboard


The IRONSCALES mobile app enables security analysts to access the platform’s incident response center while on-the-go to make time-sensitive decisions on phishing mitigation and resolve incidents immediately with one click.
 Benefits include:
  • Push notifications on phishing reports from users
  • Review real-time incidents
  • Remediate reports and incidents on-the-go

Available on both iOS or Android.

Google Play


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"The Buck Stops Here. Best Email Security Solution On The Market"

Product Manager & Cyber Security Leader
IT Security & Risk Man
agement Company

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